The House FXBG
Young Adult Ministry
Young adulthood can be such a fun and challenging time, ranging from graduating from college to launching in a new career to figuring out relationships and family life. We think that Church can and should be a place for young adults to connect with folks who share their struggles and their joys, and to connect with folks who've been there and can help show one another the way.
Our goal for our young adult ministry is to create safe spaces for fellowship, creativity, and learning and growing in the Christian, while acknowledging that Church has been a place of hurt and rejection for a lot of people. It's important to us that our ministry be a safe place for young adults to explore faith and to understand that folks will have different starting places: growing deeper in a lifelong faith, reapproaching faith after being hurt by faith, or approaching faith for the very first time and wondering what it's all about.
It's important to us to name that we are queer-affirming and queer-celebrating, and much of our leadership identifies as LGBTQ+. It's important for us to name that we don't tell anybody what to believe, and that we tend to lead more with questions than with answers. It's important to name that the centerpiece of our faith -- the lens through which study and interpret and build -- is the greatest commandment, Jesus' instruction to love God and to love our neighbors in the way that we love ourselves, and everything we do comes back to that.
The centerpiece of our young adult ministry is our Wednesday bible study, on Zoom most weeks from 7:00-8:30pm. We check in with one another, do some learning and discussion together about a particular book or book/chapter of scripture. We make space to wonder, ask, criticize, rave, challenge, and work things out together. It is a gentle time with gentle people. If you're interested in joining, email us for the Zoom link at missioner@thehousefxbg.org. To get connected, or to hear about all the other stuff we've got going on, follow us on Instagram at @thehousefxbg or sign up for our email newsletter by clicking HERE.